If you want to know how to save LOTS of money on your grocery bill and feed your family for literally pocket change then this is the blog for you!


Walgreens Coupon Policy States that they don't have a coupon policy. I think that's hilarious!

But they do accept the following:
Store Coupons (You can get a Walgreens coupon book in one of their stores)
Manufacturer coupons
RR (Walgreens Register Rewards...like CVS's ECBs)
You can use a Walgreens coupon and a Manufacturer coupon together.

Walgreens can be tricky to shop at for a couple of reasons...You can get great deals but make sure you know how things work there.
For instance:
You can't use a RR and recieve a RR on the new item bought. It's ridiculous!
Click on the "how things work there" link above for more info.